Membership Game Pass Promotion [Limited Edition]
Finally we start to launch the SSP Annual Pass is here.
There are 2 different Passes for you to choose from
Annual Pass
Benefit for you
SSP Cafe 15% off
20% off on SSP Tickets
Birthday Special
Game Pass
All Access
SSP Cafe 10% off
Adjust Admission Age Range
To ensure a fun and safe experience for children and families, we have implemented additional safety measures and staff training. Children aged 9 and above can enter without adult supervision, allowing parents to relax at SSP Café while kids have a blast in our facilities.
1) 此現金券可於即日至2025年12月31日期間在SUPER SPORTS PARK使用,逾期無效。 2)凡購買派對套餐滿$5,000即減$500;滿$10,000 即減$1,000;如此類推。 3) 此現金券只可使用一次。 4). 此現金券必須於付款前出示及使用,過後恕不受理。 5) 此現金券不可與其他優惠同時使用。 6) 此現金券不可轉售、不能兌換現金或換成其他禮品,並不設退換。 7) 影印本、塗汚、刪改或損壞之現金券均屬無效。 8) 如有任何爭議,SUPER SPORTS PARK LIMITED保留最終決定權。 9)每張樂園門票只限使用一張現金券。